oh its close...
Ski season is upon us and I know all the downhillers are licking their boots and spittin on the bottoms of their skis to get ready to go fast. Those of us that xc ski are excited for different reasons this year. XC Nationals are down in Bend, OR and they come in march. Just right. I wish I knew how to put links on here(I dont seem to have the same button everyone else has) but one can go to kongsbergers.org and get the schedule of northwest events to go lose your lungs at.I vividly remember last years 50k ozbaldy race. I hadnt finished the year previous so I was quite determined. I wasnt in the best of condition, I had to work late the night before and didnt eat well that morning. But I was with a fun crew that I knew were going to kill me. Crofoot for sure was out for blood since I smoked him in the 15km earlier in the year. Teehee. When the race started it stretched out immediatly and I was forced to watch everyone pass me going the other way after the turnaround. 30 seconds on the snow is an eternity! I pushed myself a bit too hard to stay with a good group and eventually had to let go or I was going to blow to pieces. I fought with myself less than I thought I would but my mind was still a formidable challenger. I somehow stayed positive and low and behold I found myself doing the last lap looking at dudes that had quit like I had the year before and I was very happy I was not quitting. I realized that it would be imposible to not get lapped but the guys that came by were going house and I really wasnt bummed I got lapped. Shit, I was out there now for just over two hours and my muscles were starting to turn to jelly. I was reeeal happy I finished and am looking foward to taking minutes off my time this spring. When I got home, I was completely wasted and capable of nothing more than laying down. Ah but the sweet smell of doing that under three hours was, well, sweet. I couldnt even link a sensible sentence together that night. I might of said one or two things though.
Heres to it!