
I like my chances

Today it took me eight hours to do 5 hours of work. And I still didnt get everything done that I needed to get done. Uhgg. It seems as though the doldroms are creeping up on me. Even with Ronnie's assurance that it was snowing at snoqualmie pass, I was still at a standstill. I didnt drink 5 cups of coffee to bring me out of it and thats a good thing. I got schooled at table tennis yesterday. Cricket whipped my ass two games to none. Of course I had a bbq pork from Peco's Pit that I ate in sub-five minutes sitting in my stomach. But in no way am I using that as an excuse. I also didnt have my own blade. I will have to visit Paddle Palace this week and get some new rubber. I think I am going to get a more defensive rubber to allow for the other player to make his mistake before I jam the ball down their throat. They have tournaments every month its seems and I plan on getting in on that action. You can burn approximately 650 calories an hour playing moderate table tennis, and by no means is my playing moderate. I get busy.


the real story of the tacoma axley team ride

This picture pretty much sums up the ride that occured on sunday. Pissing rain, tacoma, two flats, crappy roads, lots of lights and stop signs, tacoma, 17 railroad crossings, a dogbite, tacoma, broke collarbone, bent wheel, starbucks coffee, tacoma, all in a 20 mile ride. Thats right, 20.


I love it when....

I get called out. It does happen often it seems. I dont guess too often but maybe. I just tend to make mistakes and I like it when my friends tell me. Why? Because it tells me they are comfortable talking to me about anything that might come up. So thanks, everyone, for telling me how it is.


I was, and still am in a great mood.

Ah, yesterday put in me in an unusually good mood. One that had people questioning me about it. Well I am in a good mood. Just leave it at that. tonight I eat mac and cheese.


I love it when....

Someone tries to buck the "social norm" by using abstract wording to either make themselves sound smarter or feel more intellectual. I found two words used in an odd way today, one negative one positive. Success and Greatness. I would like to hear what people have to say about how those two words work together.
Success is way to easy to define as what others think of you or what you own, drive, or how much money you make. There can be more to it and is far more attainable in a personal situation than greatness. What are you going to do with greatness. In order to achieve greatness, which is another external adjective, that denotes power, nobility, and rank, you have to compare yourself to something and normally someone.
My guess is success on a personal level is easier to reach than greatness because with greatness you are never satisfied either looking to the past when you were better or to the future of when you think you will be better.
Maybe Im just talking out my ass. Its ok, you can tell me.


conville's first lobster

At a special spot on a great day, Daniel, Big P, Conville and myself had a great time and found the best mushrooms yet. How bout that!