

Oh, I love this time of the year. I got the itch, I could smell the mycilium. In short, cantherellus cibarius and hypomyces lactifluorum were calling me, daring me to come see if they were out to play yet. Indeed they were.

On my first turn into sector one, henceforth known as lobster hollow, I found 6 chanterelles just chilling out. After thanking them for their beauty and deliciousness that I would soon be enjoying, I spotted out of the corner of my eye the lobsters. Although prolific, it is ALWAYS a treat to find them. I took them back to the car, took some pictures, then went for some more. I went into sector two with high hopes and nature did not let me down. All the little nooks and crannies that I found some last year were full of medium sized orange delights. I kept going until I just got tired and hungry and since this was just a quick strike to see how they were doing I was satisfied. The only drag was that I got stung on the hand by the child of the devil, a hornet. I dont think it has been cold enough to kill those little pills of evil off. My hand still hurts.

Although summer is coming to an end, Autumn is a magical time of the year. It is a reminder of the ever changing seasons, and not just in nature. Life all around me is constantly shifting and changing. I thought of my Grandpa Bill today while I was up in the rain and shrubbery. All around me were reminders of how life doesnt end, it evolves. The leaves decay but give life to the mushrooms. The tree falls down but give life to other trees and little animals and insects. My Grandpa passed on but gave me life and encourages me every day to be half the man he is to me.

Sometimes I get worried about the end of it all but I know that I am part of it all. I dont know if that helps but as someone told me, I may own my own home, own my own car, own a couple bikes, but get over it and get on with it. Get out enjoy it while you can. While it is there for the taking, while I am still young enough to do it. If I just sit around and try to figure out the next thing to fix in my home or the next thing to buy in my home, I may very well be missing out on my own damn life and wouldnt that be a shame.


At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy crap man you went from chanterellus herbaralus to g pa and many a heavy thoughts very abruptly....curious. G

At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy crap man you went from chanterellus herbaralus to g pa and many a heavy thoughts very abruptly....curious. G

At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your reflection is your own. Don't let Goldringer's comments discourage your freedom of expression. Deep thoughts in a deep moment.


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