

So here it is. 34. Easy to type. Easy to say. I have to really think about it, though. I remember turning 16 and not having alot of fanfare. I got a boombox. I cant remember 17, 18, 19, 20. 21 I went to the Tides tavern and had a beer. 22, nothing.

23. Now that was a good year. I was in Alaska and I had a peach pie from the store with Aaron, Sherman, Sonja, and Rashawn. We had lots of wine, smoked tons of pot, had a bon fire and just enjoyed what we had as a friendship from working together all summer in the fishtank. I drove home with Sherman that fall. I had alot explained to me. Much of which I had no way of understanding at the time. Sherman was already there. Already answered lots of tough questions, dealt with shit I had no way of understanding. How could I, I was only 23. If I remember, he was 31. He asked me questions that were tough. Ones that I had to think about. Ones that made me realize that the actions I take in my daily life effect everything all the way down the line. Some that me emabarrassed to have done what I did and all the time opened my eyes. He was young at heart for sure, but even in my own young age, I could tell his was an old soul with tons to teach. I had some paths laid for me that fall that are just now turning into roads in front of me. It was a critical time in my exsistence and I am forever grateful I had him there to give me guidance, even though it didnt seem like it at the time. I have told numerous people numerous times, "you really need to get a Sherman." and when they ask what that means and I tell them, they do wish they had someone like that.

Ten years on. There is shit going on in my life that I only dreamed would be happening back then. I am trying to keep up with all that life is thowing at me and let me tell you, it feels like randy johnson is on the mound. I am trying to connect and hopefully get a hit. Its weird, I feel as though I should be a bit more stressed out about things but Ill tell you, I almost feel a certain calmness dealing with all this action. I mean, how bad can it get?

At this point, I start to count my blessings and realize that every day I get out of bed, even if I sleep in, I have so much to be thankful for. My family and friends who have helped me along this journey to get to where I am at today.

So onto the next year. here we go.....


At 5:39 PM, Blogger Double C said...

The best yet!

At 11:26 PM, Blogger CROW said...

Bring on the second third.

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Double C said...

Hey Man-

You need to get off your ass & post the stoop.

At 10:38 PM, Blogger CROW said...

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At 6:21 PM, Blogger CROW said...

Dude, in you old age did you forget to post another installment of craigerific? Or, how 'bout the case of its so on! Ski season is coming and so is the hurt!!! Better start applying those testosterone patched to your balls.


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