
No, but check this out.

No marriage plans as of yet, to answer the weirdest question yet on my sporatic blog. But the other news is that after four year and a few months, I am changing spaces where I till my craft. I will be the sous chef at Taste restaurant at the new Seattle art museum. Ill be working with the Manimal and Big Daddy D. Its a bit of a huslte bustle area- pike place, the new four seasons, union, and other close by ammenities. Should be a busy and fun time and I am really looking foward to the challenge. So here's to the new year!


At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best part about this is that the kitchens is at street level and open to public view by way of lots of windows. I encourage folks to stop by and heckle the chef, in his natural environment, from the safety of the street.


At 10:32 PM, Blogger Old as dirt said...

Congrats Craig and best wishes to all for a successful venture. I'm sure it will be.

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Hey Mr. Sous Chef-
I need ideas for tasty little sandwiches to eat on the bike. I just heard that Nick, Jennifer and I are supposed be establishing our Ironman eating pattern now, while in training. Any ideas for a savory treat? It would need to potentially last well in the heat.

At 6:04 PM, Blogger craigerific said...

Its true, you do need to start that now. Remember what happened to Barry? A similar thing could happen to you too if your dont start now. I like butter and jam on whole wheat english muffins. toasted so there is texture. the butter gives you some fat and the muffin and jam give you quick and slow carbos. Its the protein. I can talk to about this later. I actually need you to call me asap. 206.251.1840. Its about someones birthday on the 7th.


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